A General Guide in Finding Best Research Topics in Big Data


Finding a good research topic is not everyone’s cup of tea. It is, therefore, the toughest task of the whole research process. The reason being, how you present your research paper will entirely depend on what topic you choose. When you find a subject area being trending among your fellow mates, you might get overwhelmed with the fact and would want to research in the same field. However, what looks good and easy to everyone is not necessary will be the same for you. 

Students preparing for a research paper in the field of computer science must take good care in choosing a topic to have good technical knowledge that can further shape their future. But how to know that the selected topic is worthy enough? You need not worry as we have provided a general guide for you to be at ease in finding good topics for your research on the subject area like big data.

Go Through your Course Materials

Course materials can be any – syllabus, textbooks, notes, assignments, etc. By going through them, you will be able to see what interests you the most. Along with these study materials, main journals published in your subject area can also be a good chance for you to find out your interest. Every textbook has a list of important questions to discuss at the end of each chapter. Shortlist the chapters you liked the most and make a list of the questions of each chapter. You might get one for your research paper. One more way in which you can get ideas for the topic is to review the recommendations for reading provided by your supervisor during the classes. 

Look for Trending Issues in your Field of Study

For this, you can either search on the internet or ask your supervisor about what issues are trending. Scholars are most likely to have updates regarding trending issues at all times. Therefore, if you want to write your research paper at the forefront then you must focus on what new things have emerged in your field of study. Moreover, there is no rule that you can only take help from your supervisor. Stop by other supervisors as well regardless of which field they teach in. Talk to them, share your ideas and hear what they have to say. Other people’s opinions can also help you think of great research topics in big data.

Take a Walk or Small Break to keep yourself Relaxed

Studies have shown that continuous working of your brain only results in low thinking power. It is obvious that reviewing hundreds of study materials and talking to supervisors daily can drain your energy. Thus, to retain your thinking power and activeness, you must take a small break such as –

  • Go for a walk.
  • Sleep for a couple of hours.
  • Watch your favorite movie.
  • Cook your favorite meal.
  • Socialize or spend quality time with your family, and so on. 

Search Background Information Online about the Topics you have Shortlisted

By now, you might have a list of potential topics in your hand. Along with these topics, having background details of each can help you to a great extent. But, before searching for details online, make sure that the topic you are searching on fits best within your subject area as well as there are still some unanswered questions. The reason being, no research paper is composed of a topic that has already been researched or a question that has already been answered. Therefore, background research on the topics you have shortlisted will guide you through the right path i.e., helping you identify what topics and questions have already been covered.

Narrow a Broad Topic or Vice Versa

Another way in which you can come up with a good topic for your big data research paper is to either narrow a broad topic to a particular geographical area, population, and time or broaden your topic if you are failing in finding enough information on the selected topic. In the former, look for the information that is more specific whereas in the latter, broaden your research to be able to get sufficient information. 

Fine Tune your Topic and Form the Question

At last, review everything that you have gained so far to be able to compose the final research question. To form the best question, make use of the 5 W’s i.e., who, what, when, where, and why. Although, you do not have to answer each of them, they will surely help you to focus on the specificity. Therefore, the question you will come up with will be the guiding light of your research paper. Create a list of potential sources to collect information and develop your research paper.

The essence of composing an excellent research paper can overwhelm students however, if you are thorough with the mentioned guide of finding research topics in big data, then the process can be quick, easy, and fun.